Tamazight ancient civilization

Amazigh housing
Amazigh housing

Berbers lived in North Africa ..... homeland mother ... in the geographic area stretching from the west of ancient Egypt to the Canary Islands and southern borders of the Mediterranean to the depths of the Sahara in Niger and Mali. Did not know any people dwelt North Africa before the Amazigh . Solutions with Islam in Africa and the entry of Arabs Astarepett elitist minority Amazigh adopting the Arabic language , or rather the Arab Maghreb dialect . The Amazigh Canary Islands have adopted the Spanish language is that many of them consider themselves Omasiga .

Spreads Amazigh in Tamazgha in the form of conglomerates language / tribal / or family Balboadi and also in all major cities ( Casablanca , Algiers , Tangier , Batna, Tizi Ouzou , Bejaia , Ghardaia , Bouira , Nador , Al Hoceima Rabat ... ) and Tamazight is a national language under the Constitution , but that the Amazigh are becoming more active for their rights policy , cultural and economic especially Amazigh tribes and rural mite . Amazigh Algeria is divided into several tribes : ( tribes Kabryahawih - Ben Mzab - Tuareg - and Tabu known b Tdad or sons Asahrakabry )

Amazigh language :
To return to the history of Ibn Khaldun , Albrapr divided into Prince and amputation . During the Islamic conquest was the Europeanization of the Pyrenees stronger tribes Morocco , they fought with the Muslim leader Koussaila , which received Idris I and Baiath was king of king Idrisids . This tribe located in areas of the city of Taza . Spoken language is Arabic sons do not know them another language . They also belong to the tribe , which maintains the Pyrenees by name , and the Pyrenees all speak Arabic , and other tribes Cguiath and Hawara and Weatherproofing Sanhaja all speak Arabic . This is no secret to a Moroccan . Therefore, when one speaks the Amazigh he should not forget to mention these tribes , which some think they are Arab tribes and history denies this , and asserts that it is barbaric tribes . Amputation speaks Tamazight language , which is branching out into variations differ slightly from one region to another . Which may constitute an obstacle to the development of the Amazigh , the thing that calls Maertha which proceeded to the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture achieve. But what is worth mentioning is that the variations ( dialects ) Tamazight united among themselves fully in ăÇíÎŐ rules of language and grammar and derivation . Limited to differences in the lexicon (where used synonyms have the same meaning ) and some slight differences in pronunciation and intonation . It is well known that the lack of teaching Tamazight language in school and university is a matter which will be held . Can any of Amazigh Algeria , for example, that speak fluent Bomazegeh northern Morocco in a few weeks because it is not easily going to learn a new language , but in the process of enriching the language Tamazight vocabulary synonymous new ! For this demanding cultural movements Tamazight teaching Tamazight language at all levels and their integration in the administration and the media and the judiciary.
Spread Tamazight language ( Btnoatha different : Tharivi , Tahalahat , Takebailat ... ) in 10 African countries , including:

- Morocco : where the Berber -speaking mother tongue of 39.9 % of the total population of 33.3 million people.
- Algeria : where the Berber -speaking language or 45.35 % of the population of 32.9 million people.
- Libya: where the Berber -speaking mother tongue of 0.5 % of the total population of 5.9 million people.
In Libya constitute a tiny minority, but in the following countries are considerably less as a percentage of speakers of Tamazight or about 5 % :
Tunisia , Mauritania , Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso and Egypt.
In Western Europe there is a large community of HCA Magharebia at least a population of about two million people. Featuring community be associated with strong Botnha Thamazga ( North Africa ) and sticking Amazigh identity .

Amazigh writing :
Amazigh Tifinagh line invented one of the oldest alphabets known to humanity has succeeded the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture in Maerth . It is the line adopted by the educational system in Morocco to teach Tamazight . It should be noted that the writing Tifinagh Used remained without interruption by the Tuareg Berbers when he wrote in the writings of foreign non- HCA after undergoing foreigners and affected them.

Date Amazigh :
Returns the oldest writings about the Amazigh to three thousand years BC , which is found in the writings of the ancient Egyptians . Amazigh known names in different historical periods , including Libyans , Alnomideon , Djitulion , Moors , Berbers , Amazigh .
Contemporary Amazigh stronger countries of the ancient world , but I've played those forces active role in their history Vtfaalo them culturally , militarily and Carthage is considered a model of the interaction between the Berbers , Phoenicians , and Cyrene is considered a model of the interaction between the Berbers and the ancient Greeks . As interacted with the Greeks and Phoenicians interacted with the Romans until the Carthage Romania were stronger after the city Romaasma Romans , Berbers Venbg at her university and remind them of St. Augustine, Tertullian and Apuleius .
Amazigh also play an active role in political institutions distinguishes Amazigh their strength in the Roman army so that three Roman emperors were of Amazigh origin they Sevarius Septimus and his son Caracalla and cousin Macrinos .
Underwent Amazigh also for the Arabs after the long wars of more than half a century and was able to Arabs subdue Amazigh then interacted with them and helped them in their military campaigns so that Tariq Ibn Ziad was Amazigh , a leader who conquered Andalusia at a time earned him international fame until the Strait of Gibraltar has named after him , but that Andalusia although it has undergone a non- Amazigh civilization known as the name of Almería Islamic civilization in Andalusia , and the Moors is one of the names of the Amazigh this highlights the impact of the Amazigh in Andalusia that have undergone Amazigh : Almoravids and Unitarians .
Calendar Amazigh :
Celebrates many of the Amazigh and some tribes Arabized Amazigh New Year , which approves the twelfth day of the calendar year , and use the Gregorian Amazigh names with some distortion , but that the Amazigh weave around those names mythological stories and made them part of their culture .
Some believe that the public Amazigh Amazigh year period commencing after their leader Shashank managed to defeat the armies of Pharaoh who wanted to occupy their country , and according to legend , the battle has been the city of Tlemcen , Algeria . But from a historical perspective , the historians believe that Shashank , who founded the Egyptian family twenty-second was not up to the referee by war, but by being promoted to positions of the Egyptian state Pharaonic , because the ancient Egyptians have relied on the Amazigh dramatically in the army of their own state , especially since the era of the family century.
The origin of the tribe to Shashank confused , and this is probably the Tribe of Tunisia and the current can be observed some cultural similarities between Amazigh Algeria and chaotic .
Historians believe that the explanation lay not historically Amazigh scientifically , some researchers believe that the Amazigh calendar may come back to thousands of years, so it may be the oldest of the Pharaonic Calendar .
Religions Amazigh :
Amazigh habits vary from one area and period of time to another. Abdul Amazigh , like the ancient peoples of various deities , demonstrated a feminization of Mabboudathm and Amun and Atlas and Antaeus and Bossadon . Through the study of these gods and track their spread in the Mediterranean civilizations of the Mediterranean can be felt over the cultural influence exerted by the Amazigh culture in the Mediterranean civilizations . And can be regarded as Amun and Tanit examples of this civilizing influence .
Amon :
Abdul Amon Amazigh Greeks , and later the Chief Chksou gods Zeus himself as the Romans in their god Jupiter great and after just bulldozed between them and the Amon Tmazja , as mixed Alboniqion Chief gods Baal . In addition to this was the greatest gods Amun, Egypt and the time it was thought that Amon Egyptian origin, most likely , however, in what is likely to become a parent after Amazigh him by Professor Gabriel Campus .
Amazigh ancient carvings
Amazigh ancient carvings

Feminization is the goddess of fertility and the garrison city of Carthage , a housewife HCA originally worshiped Alboniqion greatest heads of Carthage and made a fellow of the great their god Baal , and worshiped by the ancient Egyptians as one of the greatest Hrbhm was known to them as Neath , and confirms the origin of the Amazigh ( Libyan ) is referred to by Mr. Mustafa crisis that most historians of Pharaonic Egypt referred to as an idol HCA settled in the western Delta . Then worshiped by the ancient Greeks , where known as the Athens pointed out so all of Herodotus and Plato it is itself the Libyan Neath , has been named the greatest city to the Greek goddess Athena Amazigh . The impact of this goddess in the country's Amazigh reflected in what some believe that Tunisia has named relative to the feminization of this goddess , so that the old name for Tunisia was Tanis is making them believe that the name just a distortion of the W to the Seine . It is likely that these historians may goddess worshiped in Tunisia current Trretnas around the lake where I was born and where he practiced rituals Amazigh female military glorification of this goddess .
In addition to these gods Abdul Amazigh sun which is also mentioned by Herodotus and Ibn Khaldun as practiced spiritual worship which is based on the glorification of grandparents were pointed out by Herodotus .
Through engravings found in North Africa shows that Jews have lived in tolerance with Amazigh tribes . Jews are likely to be displaced with the Phoenicians first to North Africa and the Ibn Khaldun mentions that many of the Amazigh tribes were condemns Judaism before the Muslim conquest , and some of them stayed on after the conquest of this religion .
Safe Amazigh Christian religion and also defended her ordeal in the likes of Tutelennons and Ernobios , as Augustine emerged as one of the greatest of the Church Fathers . And secure Amazigh Islamic religion and also struggled in the publication so that the first Muslims who opened Andalusia were mostly led by young Amazigh Berber Tariq Ibn Ziad .

About the Author

Abdelilah ouhmane

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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