The climate of our world is changing and it would seem it is changing more and more with each passing day. Looking back at the summer of 2007 and the complete difference between 2007 and 2006 it has become apparent that the amount of rain that the UK is getting will probably increase over the next few years. With this in mind we ask have you performed your own Flood Risk Assessment?

As the graphic pictures of the flooding in the UK have shown in the past few months whole towns have been up to the top floors of properties because rivers have burst their banks or surged. Roads have been washed away, cars have been more like boats than road worthy transportation as those with dinghy's and canoes have had more success getting to and from work than those with cars and bikes. And those with the methods of getting around in the wet conditions didn't necessarily perform a flood risk assessment but more likely have their holiday dingy or hobby canoe to hand when the waters struck!

The floods don't just cause devastation with the water that washes in through property and belongings it also leaves behind it damp and disease meaning people are out of their homes for months as the damage is repaired! This is a very expensive exercise if you are not insured. Are you at risk of flooding? Have you performed your own flood risk assessment?

Look at where your home is, are you near a river? If so are their flood gates or a weir on that river close by your house? Do you live by the sea? If so are the sea defenses good enough so you are protected when the high tides come? Is your house on a hill? Many properties have been built on flood plains that were designed to take away the water in case of heavy rain. Do you have a reservoir close by? As seen in the past few weeks the amount of rain has put a great deal of pressure on the walls of the man made reservoirs, so always check your surroundings.

These are just a few of the questions to ask when performing your own Flood Risk Assessment. The important thing is that you are covered on your insurance at your business or your home should the worse happen.à

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About the Author

Abdelilah ouhmane

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.


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